Friday, July 22


我希望靠近 神,因為知道祂是創造宇宙萬物的主宰,且為了我的罪犧牲,一切的好處不在祂以外。更是因為知道自己如何軟弱、如何容易受到世事影響、受到引誘。「我所願意的善、我反不作。我所不願意的惡、我倒去作。」(羅7:19)
我心裡的惡叫我難受、叫我不敢親近 神。
但假如我因此真的不回去 神的羊欄,那正中了罪的圈套,扁低了 神完全的救恩。我確信 神今天仍然願意把我從罪裡救出來。「無論是死、是生、是天使、是掌權的、是有能的、是現在的事、是將來的事、是高處的、是低處的、是別的受造之物、都不能叫我們與 神的愛隔絕,這愛是在我們的主基督耶穌裡的。」(羅8:38-39)因此我想聖靈仍住在我心裡,便潔淨自己身體、以悔改的心求主潔淨我的內心。「並我們心中天良的虧欠已經灑去、身體用清水洗淨了、就當存著誠心、和充足的信心、來到 神面前」(希10:22)。我又想起「逃命罷,不可回頭看、也不可在平原站住、要往山上逃跑、免得你被剿滅。」(創19:17)

Monday, July 18


實在喜愛林前 (1 Corinthians) 的道。很多觸動我心的章節,如9:10、9:16、9:27、...難以盡錄。

Tuesday, July 12


My heart is saddened but your hand comforts me and keeps me from falling into despair. My dear Lord, I plead that the evil spirits be kept away from us all. Lay my eyes only on your love and righteousness. My faith is limited so please forgive my prayer:

May your grace deliver him from the valley of the shadow of death and keep his soul unharmed from rage and evil spirits.
May your love help her forgive and forgo her own desire, for her wound has been bleeding. Heal her and help her focus only on you.
May your righteousness be her staff and a constant alarm on her rigidness.
May your word open up her heart to others and mend broken relationships.
May your spirit stay with her along her trip and assist her mission in every way.

Your word keeps up my hope in your victorious name:

But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. (1 Corinthians 2:9)

song of the day

陶造我生命 (副歌)

恩主我求能像祢 心內柔和與謙卑
憑熱愛熱誠 感染萬千生命 彰顯美善靈性

I feel the need to improve on my gospel sharing style. I can't help but think about why a few new starters harvested during the event but not me. I feel a great urge to understand what I missed or overdid when I shared the gospel. Despite that, I really felt great to see my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ did so well on this. May the Lord make me humble and calm me down so I can sincerely learn through the Holy Spirit without haste.

I haven't spent time reading the Bible in the last few days. NG

I had a good sharing with a church sister yesterday. I could understand how she felt, as I am the same type of person. May the Lord soften her heart and watch over her every step. The same thing for myself.

Another church sister left for a uncle who is in his last few days of life. If you know about this, please remember her, her uncle, and her uncle's family in your prayer.

Monday, July 11

Street fair

We have spent much time preparing for the outreach event at the street fair. We finally saw its fruits. I was greatly pleased to see our evangelic workers use their hearts to touch those of the lost souls. May the Lord bless these workers with desire to further His kingdom. Dear God, please protect the new believers from straying away. Please put Your Holy Spirit in their hearts so they will grow to love you wholeheartedly. Thank you so much for the nice weather and such a wonderful experience. Please continue to keep our spirit high in serving you, while we long for the day you come for us.

Saturday, July 9



腳步未能踏前 預算路向不兌現
終點總看不見 被固執蒙蔽視線
難理解高深轉變 藏在背面 期待美善續延

今天終於發覺自己便是那個"被固執蒙蔽視線"的人。碰到前路不通時,我常祈禱,刻意放下自己,求一個合 神心意而自己又心安的旨意。我固執地期待 神的指示。雖然每天為相同的事祈禱,自己郤"期待美善續延"。從沒想過我今天是否藏著 神的美意。若 神聽我的禱告,祂自會在祂認為合適的時間以祂認為合適的方法幫助我。我每天作相同的祈求,便是自己固執地把信心收下,把剩餘的信心裝作是大的,以此求 神為我解決問題。若 神不聽我的禱告,是應有此報。


Thursday, July 7

Gospel Q&A

My desire

Praise the Lord. He prepared a way out for me when all were hopeless. He gave me hope in my darkest days. He brought me joy when I sang alone. No matter how much this world appeals to me, and even though I can't see or touch you, my dear Lord, you are the most precious. Corrupt my earthly plots and desires. Blindfold my eyes and guide my path with the Holy Spirit. May I desire you the most today and after.

Wednesday, July 6

Scripture of the day

1 Corinthians 10:12-13

Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.
There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

Scripture of the day

Psalm 23

I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
He leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul:
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil:
for Thou art with me:
Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:
Thou anointest my head with oil:
my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forwever.

Monday, July 4

Don't go astray, self

Dear self,

Don't fall into the traps of cowardice, selfishness, egoism, temptation, lies, haste, feelings, greed, and any other earthly attributes. Do segregate from any unclean thought and matter. Don't let anything take your mind off the path to the feast the Lord has prepared. Do think and act in every matter in Jesus' name for His glory. Don't do anthing that quenches the Holy Spirit or the true love from it. Do pray to the Lord through the Holy Spirit for His grace, guidance and protection. Keep nothing from Him; let Him be king in your heart.


Saturday, July 2

Give thanks

I had a great weekend last week as I witnessed a lot of blessings from God. I have been very busy since then so I haven't got much time to write up for that to say my thanks publicly. But today, I recalled these verses:

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
Quench not the Spirit. (1 Thessalonians 5:18-19)

Those are two independent verses. But it was clear that I should find the time to write down my thanks, or I felt that I would quench the Spirit. In many ways, it was a great weekend. Here I thank our Heavenly Father for the blessings He gave me:
  • My demostration on the salvation card in the open church event on Jun 24 was above my expectation. I was so nervous before it started and I couldn't calm down myself at all. But during the presentation, it was totally different. It wasn't just me who spoke to the audience. I had no other explaination except it was help from the Holy Spirit.
  • I had really sincere and frank phone sharing with one of my brothers in Christ the very same night.
  • God's protection over me during a long and sleepy drive the next morning to the church where the short-term mission training graduation ceremony would take place.
  • Ten guests came to my graduation ceremony; two of them were surprise guests who lived across the border! They took quite a few photos for me too!
  • The graduation skid with all STM classmates went well even though I didn't remember the lines very well. This was a really memorable day. I pray that I will be reminded of it so that I won't stray away from His mission. And I miss them all.
  • Sharing at the very same night with two brothers in Christ. Here I thank them for their care and support.
  • Deep spiritual sharing with the one I cared about. Things might go on a path that I didn't anticipated. Prayers were definitely needed.
  • Safety on the way back to join my fellowship members for singspiration during Sunday service.
  • All my fellowship members served through singspiration during Sunday service. Many had grown from this event. I also witnessed much devotion from the praise team, three of which were my dear brothers and sisters in fellowship.
  • I saw new interest in the Bible among some fellowship members. Honor be unto the Holy Spirit! It also reminded me to look closer at His words.
  • God's supervision over the first fellowship meeting I really helped to lead.

Dear Lord, I do not understand all Your words. Nor have I seen you with my eyes. However, I have seen Your miracles on me, and Your blessings and help along the steps I took. I sense Your Holy Spirit in me to guide my daily life. Therefore I know that You always walk with me. You know my past, my present and my future. Thank You so much for all these good things in my life. I know that I need to step forward to experience You more. Please help me so. Please kindly show me the path You want me to take, again, if I have ignored it before. THANKS.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Friday, July 1


Dear Heavenly Father,

How are you?

There were so many things I am yet to give thanks for.
There are so many tasks I am yet to finish, and so many people and things I need to pray for.

And I am feeling so sleepy. But thanks to you, I am up in the morning, getting ready for the day. Please keep my heart clean and joyful, for victory is already with You, the righteous and loving God.

It's great to be your people. There are so many disappointments in this earthly world. But victory is already with You.

You know my faith is little, my desire is wild, my eyes are blurred, my ears are dusty, my heart is stubborn. Please keep me from tripping over.

In Jesus' name I pray, amen.