Saturday, July 2

Give thanks

I had a great weekend last week as I witnessed a lot of blessings from God. I have been very busy since then so I haven't got much time to write up for that to say my thanks publicly. But today, I recalled these verses:

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
Quench not the Spirit. (1 Thessalonians 5:18-19)

Those are two independent verses. But it was clear that I should find the time to write down my thanks, or I felt that I would quench the Spirit. In many ways, it was a great weekend. Here I thank our Heavenly Father for the blessings He gave me:
  • My demostration on the salvation card in the open church event on Jun 24 was above my expectation. I was so nervous before it started and I couldn't calm down myself at all. But during the presentation, it was totally different. It wasn't just me who spoke to the audience. I had no other explaination except it was help from the Holy Spirit.
  • I had really sincere and frank phone sharing with one of my brothers in Christ the very same night.
  • God's protection over me during a long and sleepy drive the next morning to the church where the short-term mission training graduation ceremony would take place.
  • Ten guests came to my graduation ceremony; two of them were surprise guests who lived across the border! They took quite a few photos for me too!
  • The graduation skid with all STM classmates went well even though I didn't remember the lines very well. This was a really memorable day. I pray that I will be reminded of it so that I won't stray away from His mission. And I miss them all.
  • Sharing at the very same night with two brothers in Christ. Here I thank them for their care and support.
  • Deep spiritual sharing with the one I cared about. Things might go on a path that I didn't anticipated. Prayers were definitely needed.
  • Safety on the way back to join my fellowship members for singspiration during Sunday service.
  • All my fellowship members served through singspiration during Sunday service. Many had grown from this event. I also witnessed much devotion from the praise team, three of which were my dear brothers and sisters in fellowship.
  • I saw new interest in the Bible among some fellowship members. Honor be unto the Holy Spirit! It also reminded me to look closer at His words.
  • God's supervision over the first fellowship meeting I really helped to lead.

Dear Lord, I do not understand all Your words. Nor have I seen you with my eyes. However, I have seen Your miracles on me, and Your blessings and help along the steps I took. I sense Your Holy Spirit in me to guide my daily life. Therefore I know that You always walk with me. You know my past, my present and my future. Thank You so much for all these good things in my life. I know that I need to step forward to experience You more. Please help me so. Please kindly show me the path You want me to take, again, if I have ignored it before. THANKS.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.


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