Thursday, September 20

火熱動感 啦啦啦


無論如何,今天都有大得著。所以我將tagline加上句 stay blessed. stay positive. 惟有正面的心態,才能做出榮神益人的事。惟有活在主的深恩裡,生活才變得正面。不活在主裡,那怕只有一刻的時間,瞬即走上了那自毀、不能回頭的寬路。我不願主的心再被刺傷,不願主的血白留,不願蹧蹋祂的憐憫。願正面的心在主內長久火熱。在此以信心和盼望祈求上主從今日起,賜我充足的集中力,提醒我學習奧古斯丁「先愛神,然後做你想做的事」。

Saturday, September 1

Pls don't let disappointment become anger

Me: When my closely bonded friend didn't understand my need, I felt down.
Myself: Isn't it common that people don't understand us? Why the expectation?
Me: When I felt lost and wanted to share about my hardship, I so wanted my friend to be there and listen. But instead I was overlooked.
Myself: Overlooked doesn't mean you are not cared for.
Me: I feel that my needs are not being understood.
Myself: What's your need then?
Me: I was there and I wanted to share about my problems. But I got "ho ho ho" instead.
Myself: Like I said, you cannot expect another person to understand you completely.
You're right. However... I felt down because of it. My need... no one understands. But I want to take it easy. I want to leave room for my friend. I don't want to be mad because of this. How may I stay calm?
Myself: There is a verse that can help you. Check out Matthew 8:22 - "Jesus says to him, I say not to you, Till seven times; but, Till seventy times seven." As long as your friend is willing to know you better, don't harden your heart. Always leave the door to your heart open. And do not ever expect all your wants would be known to and fulfilled by others. Instead, pray to the Lord that He provides all we truly need and mold us into people that please Him. He is the only one who understands and provides for all our needs. Love your neighbors and enemies, but look to the Lord for mercy and grace that keep each of our days worth living.