Thursday, July 7

My desire

Praise the Lord. He prepared a way out for me when all were hopeless. He gave me hope in my darkest days. He brought me joy when I sang alone. No matter how much this world appeals to me, and even though I can't see or touch you, my dear Lord, you are the most precious. Corrupt my earthly plots and desires. Blindfold my eyes and guide my path with the Holy Spirit. May I desire you the most today and after.


Blogger Dan^2InHim said...

Lord, I know you want to use this day to change my heart again, like right after I got baptized. I must always stay close to your lamplight. One day I'll see how much you've done for me when I look back.

7/07/2005 2:05 AM  
Blogger rhklam said...

I wonder if one day you would have posted the whole bible on this blog.

7/08/2005 3:18 PM  

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