song of the day
陶造我生命 (副歌)
恩主我求能像祢 心內柔和與謙卑
憑熱愛熱誠 感染萬千生命 彰顯美善靈性
I feel the need to improve on my gospel sharing style. I can't help but think about why a few new starters harvested during the event but not me. I feel a great urge to understand what I missed or overdid when I shared the gospel. Despite that, I really felt great to see my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ did so well on this. May the Lord make me humble and calm me down so I can sincerely learn through the Holy Spirit without haste.
I haven't spent time reading the Bible in the last few days. NG
I had a good sharing with a church sister yesterday. I could understand how she felt, as I am the same type of person. May the Lord soften her heart and watch over her every step. The same thing for myself.
Another church sister left for a uncle who is in his last few days of life. If you know about this, please remember her, her uncle, and her uncle's family in your prayer.
恩主我求能像祢 心內柔和與謙卑
憑熱愛熱誠 感染萬千生命 彰顯美善靈性
I feel the need to improve on my gospel sharing style. I can't help but think about why a few new starters harvested during the event but not me. I feel a great urge to understand what I missed or overdid when I shared the gospel. Despite that, I really felt great to see my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ did so well on this. May the Lord make me humble and calm me down so I can sincerely learn through the Holy Spirit without haste.
I haven't spent time reading the Bible in the last few days. NG
I had a good sharing with a church sister yesterday. I could understand how she felt, as I am the same type of person. May the Lord soften her heart and watch over her every step. The same thing for myself.
Another church sister left for a uncle who is in his last few days of life. If you know about this, please remember her, her uncle, and her uncle's family in your prayer.
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