Tuesday, June 6

Today's Our Daily Bread: An Expensive Gospel

I ran into a visiting pastor last Sunday after worship and took him to a nearby restaurant for lunch. He was a very joyful person and we chatted for the most part of the meal. I asked about the 14400 Israelites mentioned in the book of Revelation and started on the topic of the end of days. He briefly walked me through the milestones during that period. I was reminded of the disasters that will happen during the seven years of tribulation. That certainly is a time I do not want to be born into. It would be unimaginable how a believer may survive in such settings. Let alone the question whether the rapture will happen before or during those years, any believer in those days won't be able to escape from persecution and sufferings. Today's ODB devotion again showed me through the book of Philippians that sufferings are natural to Christians on earth. The words from the pastors that were being persecuted astounded me:
"Thanks for being concerned for us, but don't worry. We've learned that it's not enough for us to preach the gospel or live for the gospel. It is necessary that we suffer for the gospel."
What takes us so long to stand up and live for our Lord? Can I refrain myself from asking this question?

Update on June 9, 2006: I ran into these verses and wanted to share with you.
Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. (2 Timothy 3:12-13 KJV)


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