Sunday, May 29


Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank you today for your providence. I have a job that provides me a decent place to stay and a decent living. I have many friends whom I care for and who care for me, so that I do not feel alone. I was like a mouse in a 2-D maze. Often I put confidence in my own judgement, rather than yours. Too many times I thought I did the right thing. At the end, not a single thing I did turned out the way I wanted. I had to admit that only you should be relied on. You showed your mercy on me through your miracles. You gave me support through my family and my many friends. I doubted you, hurt you, and sinned along the way but you didn't leave me. You were determined in reshaping me. I am weak. I do not know much about anything. I sin. And yet you showed your plan on me. You reset my goal of life. You prepared every step I took. I have been worrying about my next step and you know it. Today, you showed me a vision once more. A vision more vivid than ever. How privileged I am! How shameful I am! You know that I fear you but I fear you not enough. You know that I listen to you but I still listen more to myself. You know that I am earthly, self-centered, unworthy of your banquet. You are my staff. You know how grateful I feel.




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