Friday, May 27

Confirmation? Re-confirmation?

Praise the Lord! My brother called me tonight and in our conversation, I figured that he confirmed to be a Christian, together with his better half a couple of months ago. And they have been going to church and reading bible ever since. I have been praying for them and have been mentally picturing how to speak to my family members about the Good News. The couple were at the bottom of the "hit" list as I thought they would be the most difficult to convert. This news was really great joy and great relief to me. God has shown me great grace. My brother and his wife accepted the best gift possible on Earth, though I didn't ever say one word to them about the gospel! Though I used to take it upon myself to tell my family about the gospel, the Lord proofed to me that He surely is the one in charge and by His hands nothing is impossible. Don't I feel ashamed about my ego! Their names can now be crossed out from my list. That said, I'll pray for them even more, for the sake of their spiritual growth.

There is a side story to this memorable moment. I called up my sister and told her about my joy and this great news. She sounded surprised as she thought my brother had been a Christian long ago. She said she vividly remembered that once upon a time years back he told us the gospel. But I thought, "no way!" because I just got the news today. She said that he had to be trying to say "re-confirmation" in the conversation I had with him earlier. Man, I surely don't remember such an event in the past. I know that I don't have good memory. But this is just too weird. I made the decision to accept the gospel 13 years ago. Why would my brother then try to tell me the gospel again and why didn't anything about that register in my mind? Now my mind is filled with doubts. I really want to ask him next time.

At any rate, I really rejoyce over the great news. Thank our Heavenly Father for His amazing work.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simply because you don't remember anything over 1 years old!!!!

6/04/2005 5:02 PM  

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