Monday, April 4

Wake up, sleepyhead!

My 12-week evangelic training started yesterday. I set the alarm at 6:30am on Friday night and had a hard time getting up in that morning, just like on any other day. I struggled 15 minutes on my bed having had the alarm snozzed thrice and was on my way by 7:33. I really didn't use to drive this early. Many times I had to pull myself out from the dozing state. Frankly, it wasn't the safest trip I had, because my eyes were stressed out. Thank God that I didn't run into anything bad along the way. The training would start at 10 but I already got there before 9:30am. That gave me enough time to head to McDonald's and finished off breakfast and get back on time.
As we will be going places to evangelize as a team, being punctual is going to be important. So our instructor imposed a rule that fines late-comers a dollar a minute. And for herself, the fine would be double. However my circumstances are different so she would be more lenient on me. Still for myself, I'll need to make sure that I get up and be there on time for the next 10/11 weeks.
And guess what? I was just so tired yesterday and didn't get up this morning until 11am. There went my Sunday service! Wake up, sleepyhead. WAKE UP!!!!!!!


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