Friday, April 1

"Antivirus Man" -- infected

In the last two weeks, I spent hours helping out two buddies cleaning viruses and malware from their notebook computers. One of them was pretty obvious as the malicious software plainly showed up in the Manged Addons... screen in the Internet Options applet. The other case was much more complicated. There was this malware called WinTools running in multiple ways on the computer and re-registering itself every few seconds. SpyBot - S&D did a job spotting it but this thing was simply too evil to be removed. I had to beat the malware to change the permission settings in various registry locations in order to block it from re-establishing itself. I essentially became an on-call antivirus technician.

And over the weekend, I picked up the flu bug and became infected myself. It's been getting worse. Now I have all the symptons (running nose, coughs, headache, soar throat). Maybe viruses win at last. :(


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh-Oh! But aren't you gonna "beat" this virus at the end?

4/02/2005 10:11 AM  

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