Thursday, March 23

Old CCF program: Finding mate (pt. 2 of 3)

What should a man look for in a wife?

  1. The woman should be commited to growing in her relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. It is important to ensure that you don't enter into an intimate relationship where one person is a Christian and the other is not. The Bible is clear--don't get unequally yoked. To be unequally yoked is to be unable to pull together. That means there are two divergent standards, two opposite goals, two radically different interpretations of life, two incompatible masters to serve, two contrary powers at work. Unbelief allied with belief in Jesus means just one thing--there can be no real intimacy in matters that really count. The two cannot pull together because they are not truly together. And so Paul commands believers to marry -- 1 Corinthians 7:39 -- only in the Lord.
    • Is she a Christian?
    • Does she fear God?
    • Do I take on fellow as a discipleship project?
    • If she's not about to bow before your Savior while she doesn't have your hand in marriage, do you think she's going to do when you marry her?
  2. You need to look for a wife who possesses beauty that is deeper than the skin, though no one would set out to find a spouse who is physically unattractive.
    • Do you want a woman who spent her life in a beauty parlor or you'd rather have her spent time with the Lord Jesus Christ?
  3. You need to look for a wife who is an initiate-taker with an attitude of submission. You do not fall into the clutches of a bossy, self-opinionated woman. Woman was made to be the helper of man. Women were made to have abilites, instincts, giftedness that men do not have. There will be many occasions that men depend on his wife. However, under God's plan men are entrusted with responsibility of being held accountable as leader in the home.
    • Is she willing to follow you when you have different opinion?
    • Does she make decision for you all the time?
    • Does she admit her fault? Does she know how to ask for forgiveness? Does she know how to grant forgiveness if you failed her?
  4. A wife should build her hushand's confidence. Trustworthiness stem from character.
    • Does she dress in an attractive way or does she dress in a seductive way? Does she dress in a modest way?
    • Does she enjoy creating titillation in the minds of other men who are around in the context whether it beof the swimming pool or whether it be of coffee shop?
  5. You need to look for a wife who displays kindness that touches others. Women don't have the exclusive ownership of the characteristic of kindness, but often they do a much better job in expressing compassion than most men it would appear.
    • How does she speak? Does she speak loudly? Does she use adequate word?
    • How does she deal with children?
    • How does she deal with the elderly?
    • How does she deal with her parents?
  6. A wife should have a sense of humor.
    • Is she a humorous person?
    • Is she willing to tell jokes about herself?
    • Is she willing to show you pictures that she was less beautiful?
    • Is she able to laugh without crude, unkind and cruel?
  7. Find a women who is willing to be a wife and a mother. A women who is willing to a home maker after she got marrieed. (Esphesians 5 & Titus 2)


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