Wednesday, January 18

Say no to HB 2661

I have no problem with respecting minorities. The problem here is "when will the lawmakers realize what they are doing is just to expand the base of relative morality?" Far and farther away people's lives will drift from the path they were meant to take. It makes me recall the saying that the only thing we are getting in this universe is higher degree of entrophy. I doubt whether we can make the world better without first understanding what is really the best for us. I am not saying that we human beings are incapable of choosing what's good for ourselves. But our society is post-modernistic. Everyone has her/his own view of what's good and what's bad, what's right and what's wrong. And in the post-modernistic culture, that's an okay thing to do. But essentially it boils down to -- moral chaos. We, in following the path of Christ, must consider stopping this downward spiral in any possible legal means. And here I bring you information on a new bill in the Washington State.

HB 2661
"'Sexual orientation' means heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, and gender _expression or identity. As used in this definition, 'gender _expression or identity' means having or being perceived as having a gender identity, self-image, appearance, behavior, or _expression, whether or not that gender identity, or _expression is different from that traditionally associated with the sex assigned to that person at birth;..."

This bill is being fast-tracked to be passed in no later than a couple of weeks. AFA provides more information on how this bill will affect us.


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